Registration & dog licences
If your dog is 4 months or older, you have to get a dog licence through the city you live in. In the City of Victoria, a licence costs $30-$50 if your dog is spayed/neutered, or $40-$60 if they are not. You can get a dog licence online.
You have to renew your dog licence every year (and pay the fee every year)
Colwood, Highlands, Langford, Metchosin, Sooke, View Royal dog licence: crd.bc.ca/service/animals-pets/licencing-for-dogs/where-to-get-a-licence
Esquimalt dog licence: esquimalt.ca/government-bylaws/animal-control/dog-licences
Saanich dog licence: saanich.ca/EN/main/community/dogs-in-saanich/dog-licences.html
Sidney dog licence: sidney.ca/services/dogs
Victoria dog licence: victoria.ca/EN/main/city/bylaw-enforcement/animal-control.html
Microchips or tattoos
Canada and BC do not require microchips or tattoo identifications for your dog.
However, microchipping is recommended as the best way to return your dog to you if they get lost.
A veterinarian clinic can microchip your dog, usually around $45.
Tattooing an ID number on your dog was a more common practice in the past but has now been replaced by microchips.
Renting with a dog in Victoria, BC
Landlords can choose whether to accept dogs or not in BC, according to our BC Tenancy Law.
A landlord can restrict the size, breed and number of pets (and dogs) for a rental in BC.
Pet deposit: A pet deposit can be charged in addition to your rental deposit. By law, a pet deposit must be no more than half of one month’s rent, regardless of the number of pets allowed.
Guide dogs: A landlord cannot prevent you from renting if you have a guide dog. They cannot charge a pet deposit for a guide dog. These are also called “service animals”.
Emotional support dogs & therapy dogs: The BC Tenancy Law does not currently require landlords to allow these dogs.
BC tenancy laws around pets: gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/starting-a-tenancy/pets
Apartments that accept dogs in Victoria
It is still hard to find apartments that accept dogs in Victoria.
Search for individual listings on UsedVictoria.com, Craiglist.com and Facebook that list “dogs allowed” or “pets allowed” or “pet friendly”.
1108 Pandora: bosa4rent.com/en/locations/1008-pandora/
Aurora Apartments: bwalk.com/en-ca/rent/details/british-columbia/victoria/aurora/
Belmont Place : woodsmere.ca/property/belmont-place
Brown Bros (some buildings): brownbros.com
CAPREIT (some buildings): caprent.com
Centurion Property Associates (some buildings): cpliving.com/apartments-for-rent/victoria
Christie Point Apartments: killamreit.com/apartments/victoria-bc/christie-point-apartments
Concert Properties: concertproperties.com/rentals/list/victoria
CRD apartments (some buildings): crd.bc.ca/crhc
Devon Properties (some buildings): devonproperties.com
Glen Valley Grove: devonproperties.com/properties/glen-valley-grove/
Hedstrom House (1060 Goldstream): cpliving.com/apartments/hedstrom-house
Hoylake Apartments: realstar.ca/apartments/bc/victoria/hoylake-apartments/index.asp
James Bay Square: caprent.com/apartments-for-rent/victoria-bc/james-bay-square/
Oak Hill Apartments: deepcoveproperties.com/oak-hill-apartments/
Orono Place Apartments: woodsmere.ca/property/orono-place-apartments/
Pacifica Housing: pacificahousing.ca
Pandale Place Apartments (case-by-case depends on pet references)
Peterson Rentals: petersonrentals.com
Portage West: portagewest.com
Premiere Suites: premieresuitesvictoria.com
Quadra Village Apartments: pacificcoveproperties.com/apartments/quadra-village-apartments
Ross Terrace: aryze.ca/projects/rossterrace
Suites in Victoria: suitesinvictoria.com
The Property Managers (part of Pemberton Holmes): thepropertymanagers.ca
The Q Apartments: concertproperties.com/rentals/q-apartments
Trio at Quadra Village: pacificcoveproperties.com/apartments/trio-at-quadra-village
Westview: crd.bc.ca/crhc/applying-for-housing/information-about-properties/westview
Dogs on public transit
You can only take your dog on a BC Transit bus if it is small enough to fit on your lap, in a carrier. Otherwise, you can’t take dogs on public transit in Victoria.
Dogs in taxis: You can take your dog in a taxi. If your dog is more than 20lbs they may make you book a minivan or van instead of a regular taxi.
Guide dogs: You can take your guide dog on buses and in taxis.
Lost dog
Victoria Animal Control Services: vacs.ca/find-your-missing-pet
CRD (Capital Regional District) lost animal section: crd.bc.ca/service/animals-pets/lost-animals
BC SPCA: They use the bcpetsearch.com website to post information about lost dogs. bcpetsearch.com
Adopting a dog in Victoria
BC SPCA Victoria Dog Shelter: spca.bc.ca/locations/victoria
CRD (Capital Regional District) dog shelter / adoption: crd.bc.ca/service/animals-pets/adopting-an-animal
Petfinder: petfinder.com
Victoria Humane Society: victoriahumanesociety.com
Dog parks in Victoria
Off-leash dog parks map for Victoria: victoria.ca/assets/Departments/Parks~Rec~Culture/Parks/Documents/paws-in-parks-map.pdf
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